Wild Photo Adventures, a PBS TV series, spent a week at Shenandoah National Park filming the rut activity of Whitetail bucks (late October 2010). The episode will air nationwide in April 2011. If your local PBS doesn't air the program, episodes can be viewed online at their YouTube channel, or you can purchase DVDs of each episode as well.

Wild Photo Adventures is the only wildlife and nature photography television show of it's kind to ever be aired. Doug Gardner, the host and producer of the show, is an award winning photographer that has over 20,000 of his images published in magazines, books, calendars, newspapers and numerous other stock projects all across the globe.

Doug had already planned to travel to Shenandoah in hopes of filming rutting whitetail bucks but was getting reports that very few big bucks were being seen and that he may need to think about choosing a different location for filming.

Fortunately he came across my Web site and saw some of my buck photos and he contacted me, and I assured him that there were some trophy bucks at SNP. Some folks think if they don't see them alongside the road that they don't exist. You have to get into the woods where they live!

I gladly met up with them on their first morning and pointed out a few potential areas holding trophy bucks with many signs of rut activity. The first few days weren't so productive for them due to the high winds and warm temps but things really turned around on a Thursday morning when the temps finally dropped. Doug says they got enough footage during their last few days there to put together an episode! I personally feel that Doug put together one heck of a 30 minute HD presentation (see below). It's so cool to see the bucks that I know so well be included in this show.

Pictured above is David Ragin, Videographer (left) and Doug Gardner, Host/Producer (right). A couple of good ol' boys from South Carolina living what I consider to be 'the good life' - and getting paid for it!

Larry W. Brown

View Full Screen Video Here: https://player.vimeo.com/video/47452704

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